Makan soto betawi di bandung yang punya orang padang? Napa ga kalo emang enak? hihihihihii...Keknya tempat yang satu ini dah banyak yang tau, trutama alumni2 SMU 20 Bdg, coz it's right accross the street from SMU 20 Bdg, di pekarangan mesjid istiqomah. Anehnya, banyak orang yang ga suka jeroan sapi suka makan soto betawi ini?!?! padahal isinya jeroan smua, tp bisa kok minta daging aja tanpa jeroan, semuanya tender bgt karena keknya dah digodok mpe bener2 mateng & empuk...worth your time and money considering the taste and the place is easy to spot
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Diposting oleh
A Father
8:11:00 AM
Label: Pinggir Jalan
Kalo kemaren gw dah bahas ttg hotdog booth, keknya ga adil kalo gw ga bahas hotdog langganan gw tiap sore...Nono Burger..(tp gw ga pernah beli burgernya), pas depan providentia jalan bengawan, ato kalo dah sore bgt ada depan warnet sebelah papyrus photo, kalo orangnya ga ada, coba cari dalem warnet, kali aja lagi maen ragnarok..huehehhuhee...tapi untuk kelas 5rb an hotdog nono ni worth it, pernah gw saling ngebetnya pengen hotdog dia waktu dah abis tu hotdog bean nya, terpaksa gw paksain dia buat hotdog pake roti burger (?!?!?!?)...jadinya ya...mmmm bayangin aja sendiri...maksa ya huehehehee
Diposting oleh
A Father
8:00:00 AM
1 komentar
Label: Gerobak, Makanan SD
Benernya ni cuma ayam goreng/bakar biasa, yang dihidangkan pakai cobek tanah liat (tats y they call it ayam cobek) pake sambel yang yaaaaa.....hueeenakkkk banget...terus bisa minta ayamnya langsung digerus ma sambelnya biar tambah....huennnaaakkk tenannnnn... :p so basicly it's an ordinary chicken with "huennnaaakkkkk" taste huehehehehheheheehhehee...oh iya...saking enaknya gw lupa ngambil foto pas ayamnya masih ada di cobek...jd cobeknya pun jadilah
tempatnya pas di perempatan cihapit-riau, arah ke pasar cihapit
Diposting oleh
A Father
7:50:00 AM
Label: Pinggir Jalan
Monday, November 07, 2005
Been looking for a good hotdog in bandung for years tapi belum nemu yang bisa nyamain hotdog Bernardi yg di Surabaya....till to nite... :P
Gw dah beberapa kali notice di factory outlet Renariti jalan riau deket the summit ada Hotdog booth...tapi pas bulan puasa kemaren, jadi blum kesampean mo nyoba, baru tadi aja akhirnya. Dari bentuk boothnya aja dah keliatann dia "SERIUS" banget jualan hotdog. The hotdog comes in three choices, jumbo beef (12rb), regular chicken/beef(9rb) and junior beef(6rb). By now I bet u already have an idea what I had, rite? I mean the jumbo size is so big and long and round and juicy and so creamy that it can melt in your mouth like italiano ice cream (hiperbola bgt gw ya hihihihi). Best time to come here is at night, coz u got to listen cool music played from renariti, and the ambient is just right for hotdog :P
Diposting oleh
A Father
12:00:00 AM
Label: Gerobak, Pinggir Jalan
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Kalo biasanya di bandung makanan sunda yang enak paling di Ampera, sekarang ada Bumbu Desa...better food, better place....tadi siang gw makan siang disini, ngantri kena waiting list seperti biasa :P tapi tadi parah banget (maklum masih liburan dan pembantu blum pada balik jd orang pade makan di luar). Menu fave gw disini ya babat goreng, usus goreng, cumi bakar ma ayam goreng...semua rasanya agak manis, jd buat yang ga suka manis mending ga usah kesini deh...tapi sambel nya te-o-pe be-ge-te. Ada sambel merah, ijo, trus apa tu yang pake oncom ?!?!? mmm o iya...sambel oncom :P, minuman banyak macemnya, aneka juice dah pasti lah, ada jg kopyor, yoghourt (bener ga nulisnya..?!?!?), cendol. Dun noe bout u guys, but I like this place a lot, worth ur money. Tp hari ini ada sedikit set back di service bumbu desa (sigh.... ), krn penuh bgt banyak yang ga kelayanin, terutama soal minuman, a lot of people were yelling and swearing, the waiters were all confused..a nasty hectic..I noe they have prepared for this but I dun think they're well prepared...sad thou...people are coming there not only to eat..but to relax and enjoy their vacation with their friends and family, something they didn't have this day...pitty..but well it's a good resto after all, a minor set back wont keep me from giving bumbu desa two thumbs up... :D
Diposting oleh
A Father
11:30:00 PM
Label: Traditional Resto