Friday, March 03, 2006

Warung Bu Lela

Napa ya banyak nama tempat makan pake nama yang punya?! Kek warung bu lela, mie ayam mas joko, warung nasi bu imas, sate pal gino, sop buah pak ewok, es campur mang oyo, and more....kalo di amrik mungkin rada keren jadi Mc Donald, Jullie's, Wendy's....hehehehe..but we're not gonna talk about tat, we're gonna talk about warung bu lela.

I knew this place from a friend of mine (ehm....a friend?!?!) Back in 98. Dulu cuma rumah biasa didaerah cigadung atas bergaya etnik, trus kalo kt beli bakso ya gabung bareng2 di ruang keluarga mereka. Mereka ngebuka ruang keluarga ama teras dengan view lembah2 pegunungan cigadung/awiligar.  Tempatnya sueeeeerrrrr jauh banget, di tengah tengah kompleks perumahan dosen unpad. But amazingly......they're not just survived but became one of the famous place in bandung. I mean, if u wanna relax and take ur friends or family, enjoying bandung famous yamin with hilly atmosphere and cheap price.....gambaran kasar ni, kalo lo bawa duit 50rb lo bisa makan berempatI don't think there's any other place can top this one.

Sekarang tempat makannya jadi luas banget, they hv their own parking lot, more tables, and more reguler customers for sure.

Untuk dirrectionnya..hihihi...rada ribet, so here it goes: dari arah makam pahlawan cikutra belok kiri ke arah tubagus ismail, trus pas udah lewat borma disebelah kanan lo belok kanan aja ikutin angkot, nah pas nanti ada pertigaan angkot lurus lo belok kiri, ikutin aja teruuuuuuuussss mpe lo di sebelah kanan liat plang pakar utama lo belok kanan karena kalo lurus lo ketemu cafe the valley dan disitu duit 50rb lo ga ada artinya hihihihi......bis gitu ketemu pertigaan belok kiri, lurus mpe ada turunan lurus naek lagi mentok belok kanan kiri lurus aja dah ketemu tu yang banyak tukang parkirnya.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Get ur sweat shirt on, it's Warung Nasi Bu Imas - Spice up ur tong ue

Huehehehe... I think the title already explain 80% of this post. Kalo emang suka pedes, keknya cocok kalo makan disini. Serius ga pernah makan mpe keringetan kek disini, mpe gw harus bolak balik ke wastafel buat cuci tangan supaya gw bisa ngelap muka ma leher gw pake tisu. Ada sambel ayam bakar, sambel dadak (cengek seger di ulek pake tomat dadakan), sama sambel leunce(for those of u who's not familiar with leunca, it's a little green round vegs with a bitter taste).........Puaaaaaaaaassssszzzzzddd banget makan sambel disitu. Palagi pake ayam goreng/bakar, ikan mas bakar, trus buat yg suka daleman jg ada, ada daleman sapi spt babat, ama daleman ayam spt ati ampela trus usus, usus ayam disini digoreng kering jd kek krupuk. Cuma kalo pake mobil rada susah parkir, gw aja mpe muter 2x baru dapet, itu pun pake brantem dulu ma mobil o'on di belakang gw :P
ada di jalan balonggede (bukan bagonggede...hehe sori peb) daerah itc kebon kelapa, dpn smp ato sma pasundan, ada 2 tempat, satu lg yg di ujung jalan balonggede pas depan ampera ama itc, tp yg itu kecil dan biasanya buat take home.
Harga agak murahan dari ampera, ampera pun dah murah

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sunday Makro Food Corner

Hari minggu kmaren gw ke makro yg di jl.Sukarna hatta, niatan mo jual mobil<ehm ada yg berminat ga?! Kijang 95 1500cc htm mtlk tgn pertama? Hihihi....Hey, its my blog, i can do pretty much wat i want>. Kalo hari mg, lapangan parkir makro disulap jd ajang jual mbl bekas, tinggal bayar 20rb, find a spot, and u hv the right to "try" to sell ur car the whole day. I really mean it when I said "try", well hell, there are so many "calo" all over the bloody place, not to mention its bloody hot there<hey...Why am I suddenly sounded like a bloody englishman?!>.
Well, enough bout tat, wat important is the food corner, its there, thanks god...Hihihi...
But seriously, tmptnya enak bgt, ato gara2 di parkiran panas bgt jd food cornernya seems like oasis. The food is good, reasonable price, hampir sgala macam makanan ada, batagor, nasgor, sigobing, sate, zupa2, muffin, tongseng, seafood, chinese food, dll.
Gw sendiri pesen lotek<6rb> ama es cincau ijo<lupa harganya>.
Buat yg bingung hr mg mo ngapain, mending kesini aja, sambil cari makan, sapa tau mobil lo ada yg nawar, trus lo plg pake angkot d...Hihihi...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mie baso si Boy

Wat d u think of semangkok mie yamien tambah 2 siomay 2 tahu 4 baso 2 ceker 2 babat?! Mmmm pasti kenyang bgt, not to mention it taste real good too. Well u can get it at si Boy, a well known baso ceker di jalan naripan depan biotest laboratorium, direct competitor of baso ceker akung (I personally prefer si boy). Untuk seporsi komplit tambah teh botol ama siomay goreng, sekitar 11rb, tp gw suka pesen tanpa siomay dan tahu, selain mang tll banyak, mnrt gw siomay ma tahunya biasa aja...Paling enak pake kecap ma sambel yang buaaanyaaaaak....Bis gt jgn jauh2 dari WC selama 2 hari berikutnya...Hihihihi

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Pisang keju-roti bakar-internet MADTARI DAGO

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Another one from the old skul days...MADTARI...The most famous place in bandung for pisang keju roti bakar and internet keju...Just look at the pic tat i took, itu roti bakar keju susu strawberi ama pisang keju susu coklat...Look at how much cheese they put on it, man tats one too much 4 one plate...And its only Rp.5000,- plus....Yg dateng jg lucu2...Huehehe...But u got to be very patient to hv a seat, or to get ur order done, penuuuuuh bgt...Jd lo harus bener2 niat, tapi worth it bgt.
Tips: dun go there wif only 2 person or less, minimum 3 persons, 1 person order the food, the other 2 scouts for table.
Located at prapatan dago-cikapayang, sebelah bank danamon, kalo dari jembatan pasopati turun ke arah dago, lampu merah ke 2, pas dago, belok kanan trus lsg ambil jalur kiri, open from 5pm.

Mie Ayam - Mas Joko

This one goes way back to the old school days...Positioned at Tongkeng street (antara jl. Aceh ma jl.Gudang utara) pas sebelahan ama Kantor Urusan Agama yg warnanya ijo :D
Mie Ayam mas joko tu msh satu franchise ama mie ayam kantin sarinah yg terkenal ma es duren, but somehow...Yang di tongkeng lebih nendang. Satu porsi pake mie <non formalin>, baso 2 ato 3 biji <non tikus ma non boraks>, potongan ayam yg direndem bumbu khas mie ayam <non avian flu>, tahu ama siomay goreng...Tinggal tambahin sambel...Hmmmm enak bgt...This place has been my fave since hi skul...So pay a visit, but dun expect a fancy place

apoligy letter

Sorry for being absent for so long. It's not tat i stop craving for foods, i still do, it's just.... I learned a hard way about lossing weight wif diet, lesson learned is.... There's no such thing as DIET!!! Just eat and pray to all mighty God so He grants us wif six packs...Hihihi